The term Innovation is often misunderstood. Without innovating, enterprises fail, waste your time and money, and often take away livelihoods. While fossil fuels are becoming a realistic energy source for private use, it is important to note how K Sridhar of Bloom Energy made a few tweaks to the ordinary approach one takes. The use of color and hard "paper" (which is actually baked beach sand) made a really big difference if you remember the video in my previous post . Now, companies, no matter how huge, can power their facilities with Bloom Energy installations. Clean energy is finally here, but what about foolproof data? One thing's for sure: If your data business has to earn money that is enough to install a Bloom Energy power box, it better does some genuinely good business. Innovative approaches are seldom effective, unless they are both, timely and targeted. It simply means that a new algorithm may hardly work as expected. It is the little tweaks that you...