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7 Trends in Telecommunications to Look Out For

Telecommunication Network
Telecommunications through waves connects people from different corners of the world and  satisfies consumers with cost and time-effective services. After all the world is becoming following trend setting technologies, so why would the telecom industry stay behind. Following the mobile world that is becoming seamless by each passing day, there is an urge in all of us to learn about the trending characteristics of the telecom industry. So, let us run through the seven major trends of the telecommunications industry:

Small cells
Small Cells deliver data coverage with a cost-effective capacity that is accessible to both indoors and outdoors operators. Radio access nodes that are low-powered, operator-controlled, and operate in both licensed scope and unlicensed spectrum will ease mobile data coverage and consumption. Small cells networks guarantee effective and quick service in crowded locations like shopping malls, stadiums, hospitals, subways and railway stations. Small cells have witnessed high mobile data consumption and increase in mobile data traffic. The introduction of small cells network has brought about a major transformation in the look and feel of mobile phones.

Once your data download and upload is taken care of, you may be interested in knowing how virtualization of components can help the transfer of applications and services to the cloud environments. Network functions virtualization (NFV technology) aids wireless element  virtualization within an extended network infrastructure that aids the cloud integration with applications and services. NFV brings about flexibility to business operations and enterprise networks. Software-defined networking (SDN) techniques manage networks through lower-level functionality, and this eases service roll-out flexibility.

Operators tend to invest more on LTE access, while the advanced services such as voice-over LTE (VoLTE) is the indication of new mobile voice services. While Google Hangout, Facebook and Skype are offering messaging versatility, VoLTE is all-encompassing, and not  roomed in a mobile app. This will create better conversation experiences with operators' voice migrating towards new dimensions of technology. Web real-time communications will allow rich communication services embedding into web applications to improve customer experience, within a secured network.

LTE-Advanced and 4G deployment
North America and China have in the past invested a lot in LTE. Now Europe has begun to accelerate the usage of LTE. 2G and 3G networks have taken a side bench since LTE has seen a rapid adoption. The number of LTE subscribers are increasing and the legacy systems are losing the spectrum dedicated to them. So, without doubt, the LTE traffic volume is rising  considerably.
The operators have been investing more in the deployed LTE overlay network than a single radio access network. “Cap and grow” plan of action deploys an LTE overlay network. Even the introduction of LTE-Advanced features will enable operators to bring separately blocked  frequency bands together as close blocks to reduce cost wastage and improve the quality of the service for subscribers.

Emerging markets
Emerging markets encouraging telecom advances welcome the ecosystems and the communications infrastructure. According to a post by RCWireless, The USA, Europe, China, and even Brazil had the best of the market trends introduced in the emerging markets for telecom. in year 2014. The World Cup and the Summer Olympics helped to increase investment in both fixed wireless technologies. The markets saw an entry of fairly priced mobile phones that could leverage from the network’s offerings. Now mobile phones come with the guarantee of high sustainability, security and feature efficiency as major factors.

Both wireline and wireless operators are also enjoying an advantage with Fibre roll-out, for instance, Europe has started preferring fiber lines for telecommunication. Broadband speeds have been maximized also with the increase in the investment in copper lines. VDSL2 vectoring has enhanced the role of G.Fast technologies and VDSL2 in clearing the 'cross-talk' between copper wires. Fiber introduction is the indication of the growing wireless and wireline infrastructures interworking.

With the growth in the momentum of mPayments, it seems that this technology has become the one of the most demanded ones in the market. In the GMCS show, Deloitte had unfolded that in between 2014 and 2015, there has been a huge modification in the use of mPayments technology. Businesses of different scale and scope, like coffee shops to gas stations, retail stores to education institutes are utilizing the point-of-sale technology as it supports payment through mobile devices. In 2016, mPayments has become the most in-demand payment technology.

Since 2014, the telecommunications business has received a constant momentum through innovation in various non-traditional areas of business models. Some of which are the introduction of the Internet of Things applications and other developing communication technologies. The telecommunications companies, across the globe, will see further changes in the aspects of communication such as technology, design and the feel. This will mean that marketers looking forward to make their products and services available to the telecommunications industry can benefit to a great extent by contacting decision makers with an accurate telecommunications industry list.

Created by: Procure Data
Tel: 800-381-1464
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