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“Small” Errors that cause Irreparable Damage

Technocrats know that well, and how irrefutably that holds true everywhere in nature is every scientist’s interest.
Inaccuracy has been one of those apparently harmless glitches in your customer-details database. By now you must have guessed that such a problem can cause irreparable damage to your brand. But knowing how that happens is more important.

What are small errors like?

  • The popularly mistaken spellings of names, streets, locations, and other customer details
  • Missing punctuation in email addresses and digitally usable data
  • Inaccurate dates of transaction/contract
  • Unique identifier compatibility issues even in a minor part of your database
  • New key identifier creations leading to database inconsistency

What can these errors lead to –

  • Spelling errors can lead to incorrect prospect identification, unsolicited calling, and other embarrassing problems
  • Inaccurate email addresses can lead to major wastage of bandwidth in email campaigns
  • Inaccuracy in dates can make your campaign slip off from the intended schedule
  • Identifier problems will only ensure you reach the wrong number or email 
  • Errors in the key identifier fields will always give you the same problem as well

All in all, you will have accumulated thousands of dollars and many hours as costs. Even getting your technology in the limelight will become difficult with people expressing annoyance talking about your brand. That is how a missing comma can lead your company to its bad days.

Getting data accuracy high enough is all about using technology – not the type you deal in, but the ones we've built and sold. Proprietary data accuracy tools are available, and you are on your way to getting help. Carry on… or leave your message on the right.


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