Coming to realize the concerns of a B2C marketer, data companies like us realize the complexity of tracking targets. Favorite cuisines, ambiance preferences, locations, and work and travel behavior... wooh! that's a lot of information when it is not a business concern, and individuals only. However, we are talking about something a little more penetrative, realizing that it could be controversial at the same time. Do you remember restaurants requesting your information at the end of a meal, and you just end up leaving your office name or address at the bottom of the review. That leaves the scope for a hospitality or restaurant marketer to find out information about your colleagues - at least the ones who share a similar taste in food. We embarked upon some brainstorming last week to figure out if the complexity could be lowered at some level in the process of data-driven marketing in the B2C sphere. While collecting information from prospects and customers, restaurant and ho...