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Hospitality Marketers and their Data

Coming to realize the concerns of a B2C marketer, data companies like us realize the complexity of tracking targets. Favorite cuisines, ambiance preferences, locations, and work and travel behavior... wooh! that's a lot of information when it is not a business concern, and individuals only.

However, we are talking about something a little more penetrative, realizing that it could be controversial at the same time. Do you remember restaurants requesting your information at the end of a meal, and you just end up leaving your office name or address at the bottom of the review.

That leaves the scope for a hospitality or restaurant marketer to find out information about your colleagues - at least the ones who share a similar taste in food. We embarked upon some brainstorming last week to figure out if the complexity could be lowered at some level in the process of data-driven marketing in the B2C sphere.

While collecting information from prospects and customers, restaurant and hospitality marketers fumble, miss out on many chances, and end up investing too much time and effort for very little in return. Yes, one might get lucky to strike a meal deal with a corporate house, but that itself could get a restaurant fettered with contractual statutes.

The game is about targeting correctly. And that requires a subtle approach.

At Procure Data, we have been contemplating how to change the game for the B2C segment around hospitality, retail, etc. Information collected about a person's taste in food is not the only factor that can help you. It's more about catching the information correctly, transporting it to the right people, and ensuring that the use of that information is perceptive.

For that, we dig into coupon registrations, lifestyle subscriptions, spa memberships, and virtually everything related to a person's leisure fantasies...

To know more, just leave your details in our box on your right!


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