When technology like the 3D medicine printer's around, there is no way you can grab ruthless competition by its horns. What does this mean for the US healthcare industry, and related businesses worldwide? Taking the 30-year old 3D printing concept to the masses is becoming easier today, but does it scare pharmacies and labs? It's again one of those situations that call for changes to adapt with evolving markets. We know well that business data can become obsolete in months, but when revolutionizing technology like this is around, changes can happen overnight! The lucrative business channels you have been using, can change in terms of popularity in a matter of days, not even weeks. And that's what's being talked about in the corridors of labs, research facilities, and medical schools. Doing business in an environment, where the end customer is capable of making almost 100% of what he or she needs, requires fundamental changes. Whether it is pricing, carte...