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Let's Get this Straight - Big Data is not really a revolution

Hello friends,
It's been a while we've really communicated. However, let's get this straight.

Knowing about your customer's up close is not really a bad thing. Especially when they are okay to reveal.

Decency in business means two things - 

  • Making honest and transparent deals
  • Being compliant with the set expectations

Privacy is not so much of a priority unless someone has really asked for it. That's all. 

Being decent citizens, it is hard to embrace this at the drop of a hat. However, it is really the way it is. Ever since you were born, every successful business in your neighborhood had a quiet interest about you.

And now, you, your family, and your neighbors, no matter where you are, are a subject of interest to businesses that will prosper in the coming years.

It's up to you - whether you block your information from going their way, or remain selectively lenient.
By being selectively lenient, you could be helping them serve you better.

But information on Selectively Lenient People are what we have. People that you could sell to.

Some of our IT industry lists are:

  • CRM Users List
  • ERP Users List
  • IT Consultants List
  • IT Decision Makers List
  • Software Users List
  • SAP Users List
  • JD Edwards Users List and more…

We also deal in healthcare industry multi-channel contact information.

Let me know anything you wish with your message in the right-side box.

Yours truly,


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